The Creepiest Urban Legends From Around the World

Urban legends, myths, and other hair-raising stories have been cultural elements throughout the history of every country. While some urban legends entered mainstream pop culture, others stayed local. Washington State’s “Big Foot” is globally known either through news outlets or on the internet. However, the “poisoned girl” at the Centennial Hall in Nebraska is somewhat unknown to many.

Below are some of the eeriest and most prevalent stories all around the world—better have your home security system installed.

Big Foot (American Counterpart of The Himalayan Yeti)

After journalist Andrew Genzoli published a letter from a reader of the newspaper company where he worked in 1958, the legend of Big Foot began. Mysteriously, large footprints were found by northern California loggers, as detailed in the letter. According to Genzoli, perhaps the Himalayan Yeti has a relative.

The country has been captivated on trying to spot this giant creature since then. Frequent sightings have been reported, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. Subsequently, articles, books, movies, and podcasts were made about Big Foot.

Umm Al Duwais Jinn (Genie) of the United Arab Emirates

She was one of the most famous jinns in the UAE, credit to a film in 2013 that immortalized her. It is said that a beautiful woman attracts men, and soon after she reeled them in, she changes into a terrifying figure that eats the men she enticed.

Yeti (Himalayan Counterpart of The American Big Foot)

Sherpas are an ethnic group of Nepal. The word means “people from the East,” according to CNN. They are the ones who help others climb Mount Everest. Like other countries that are rich in history and culture, theirs include an enormous and shaggy ape-man with massive feet, saber-like teeth, over six feet tall creature called Yeti. Throughout the years, countless explorers have flocked the Himalayas to find evidence of the elusive beast. A photo taken in 1951 allegedly shows footprints of the Yeti.

Kuldhara Village of India With Eerie Stories

Structures that date back to the 13th Century, with a great degree of antiquity, are found in the Kuldhara Village in India, but no one has lived there since 1825. The story goes that all the residents of the village mysteriously vanished into thin air. According to local lore, over a thousand villagers abandoned their homes overnight without a trace.

It’s believed that the village chief had cursed the land that anyone who tries to live there will die. That’s the reason why no one has resettled in the town.

Chupacabra in North America

In 1995, the first chupacabra attack was reported in Puerto Rico when eight sheep were found drained of blood. They had three small puncture wounds in their chests. Five months after, over 150 farm animals were found dead in the same manner. Since then, a number of alleged sightings of the creature in North America were rampant. The word “chupacabra” is a Spanish word for “goat-sucker.” They were first believed to be vampiric reptilian beasts that drain goats and other small animals for their blood. The events made residents of the town fear for their home security.

Sydney Harbour Bridge (A Tomb For Three Dead Workers)

The Sydney Harbour Bridge was completed in 1928. During its construction, there were 16 people who passed away while working on the bridge. Legend has it that three more men must be added to the deceased toll. According to the stories, three men feel into the brick pylons amid the construction. Their disappearance wasn’t noticed for weeks. At the time, labor laws were not at all stringent and there was no insurance for workers’ safety. It was decided that the three migrant workers would be entombed there for eternity since retrieving the bodies proved to be too difficult.

Chilling Story Of The Ghost Bus Of Beijing

Legend tells a story of a bus—with enough gas— that was traveling on dark stormy midnight. Two men flagged down the bus, and the driver acquiesced and let them in since it was the last bus. As the bus continued its route, the driver suddenly noticed there were three of them—one that appeared rough in figure. The bus driver also noticed that all three passengers were pale. They were wearing a garb that was prominent from the Qing Dynasty, which lasted from 1644 to 1911.

The bus driver thought they were actors and didn’t have the time to change after work. Suddenly, a fight broke out between the other passengers, an elderly person and a young man. As a result, they were forced to disembark at the next bus stop to go to the police. Both explained that everything that happened was a ruse to help them get off the bus—the three pale passengers were floating. Naturally, they were ridiculed to some degree. Days later, it was reported that the bus never completed its route. Another version had it that the bus was found three days after with three decomposed bodies.

Loch Ness Monster of Scotland

Affectionately nicknamed Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster allegedly swims in the depths of its namesake, which is the second-deepest lake in Scotland. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, sightings of it go way back to the olden times. A stone carving by the Pict, which were ancient people of Scotland depicting a mysterious beast with flippers, have been discovered. Sightings began to pick up in 1933 after the completion of a road that gave visitors an unobstructed view of the lake. The hype grew to an incredible degree after a couple claimed they had seen a giant water creature.
